A Dream A Vision

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04-01-23 Keurboomsrivier

I dreamed last night. I was on my way and arriving on the ship. Saw another ship about 200 meters away. They were throwing sheep into the water. They sort of had to swim toward the ship I was on. Some were struggling to keep their noses about the water, just to stay alive. When getting close to the ship they were picked up to be slaughtered. ‘This is exactly why I do not eat meat!’ I cried out. I was so upset and, filled with emotion and wanted to cry. No one cares about the life, pain, suffering, and death of the sheep. Just want to consume them for their own pleasure. And I woke up.

In my quiet time later this morning praying for all the many different people God has put on my heart, I  was suddenly filled with the same emotion. People were being pushed into the rough seas of this life by forces that want to destroy them. They struggle not to drown, just to be picked up for destruction and nobody cares. Just care about their own pleasures.

A Dream

A dream

a vision perhaps

from my heart

from God’s heart perhaps

A big white ship

moored in port

friends and people

flounder around in circles

 they find their place

 of peace

to serve


A ship

 not far away

sheep shoved

into the sea

rough winds and waves

raging white swirls

and struggles


nostrils above wild waters




our ship their destiny

 picked and pulled

from the sea

to be slaughtered

food for the crew

no one cares

 no one feels


Exactly –

my heart forbids



the suffering and killing

to live off the misery

 of a sentient being

I cried out

nobody cares

tears dried on my cheek

I fell to the ground


God’s creation

In His image

He created us

pushed to the edge

we tumble and fall

rough seas

 – life –

the fight

 the struggle




– a gasp


plucked from the sea

destruction awaits

the soul destined for death

nobody cares


Poor lost sheep

not a thought from my heart

nobody cares

my destiny secured

my neighbor can drown

helpless asleep

helpless sheep

not knowing

the slaughter awaits

What do I care?

I’m saved

Jesus spoke to them. ‘Go, and teach all nations’  the Good News that God saves and when we believe in Christ, in what He has done for us, He identifies us as His own. There is more joy in heaven over one lost (sheep) sinner who repents and returns to God than over ninety-nine others.  From Matthew 28:18-20, Ephesians 1:13, Luke 15:7

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